SNW product highlights, Day 1
The virtual datacenter OS addresses customers’ needs for flexibility, speed, resiliency and efficiency by transforming the datacenter into an “internal cloud” – an elastic, shared, self- managing and self-healing utility that can federate with external clouds of computing capacity freeing IT from the constraints of static hardware-mapped applications.
HP anounces a highly scalable storage system named ExDS9100 (Extreme Data Storage System). ExDS9100 can scale to 246 petabytes using HP’s C-Class 16 Blades 12.8 cores per unit for an 3.2 GB/second of raw performance all managed with a single management interface.
HP's PolyServe software (acquired in February 2007) is at the heart of the single filesystem.
HP predicts it will cost less than US$2 per gigabyte in a typical configuration.
The resulting infrastructure involves a vast array of physical resources: adapter cards, networking switches, storage switches, and a maze of cables. Issues with large scale server I/O include:
According to Xsigo the benefits of using their director are:
The flash drives for the Symmetrix DMX-4 system have been purpose built to EMC's exacting specifications and use single-layer cell (SLC) flash technology combined with sophisticated controllers to achieve ultra fast read/write performance, high reliability and data integrity.
This new solid-state storage tier, "tier zero," is fully supported by the Symmetrix software management suite, enabling storage administrators to simplify the provisioning of all of their storage tiers with advanced management tools including Dynamic Cache Partitioning, Virtual LUNs, Quality of Service Manager, and now Virtual Provisioning to simplify overall management and application performance
The Symmetrix DMX-4, with support for flash drives, Fibre Channel disk drives and SATA disk drives, offers the broadest range of 'in the box' storage tiering options to enable the consolidation of all application tiers within a single system.