Netapp has my attention with it's announcement of a NetApp ONTAP-v Virtual Storage Array (VSA).
Basically ONTAP-v will be a virtual machine and will use virtual disk to serve (via iscsi/NFS?) other VMs in local and remote VSAs. Add some additional SAS shelves and you could in theory handle 1000's of VMs all replicated and backed up via snapshots/mirrors on remote VSAs...
A truely converged datacenter in a box or at least a small puff of a cloud starting for form.
This is one to keep a close eye on...
On November 24th Fujitsu announced the global availability of the Primergy BX400 blade server. The Primergy BX400 is a green ‘datacenter in a box’ that delivers the first NetApp virtual storage appliance (or VSA) running Data ONTAP-v.